Olympiáda hendikepovaných
Olympiáda pro hráče s hendikepem se bude konat v termínu od 29. ledna 2023 do 5. února 2023 v srbském městě Bělehrad. Informace k olympiádě budou přidány na web FIDE v brzké době.
Níže kopírujeme prvotní informace od Nikos Kalesis FIDE DIS sekretáře komise:
Dear Chess Friends
As you informed already from the FIDE Events Commission,
the Olympiad for people with disabilities is planned to be held in the hotel Crown Plaza(*****) Belgrade, Serbia from January 29 2023 (arrival day) to February 6 2023 (departure day)
Your country is selected to participate
Kindly find below some basic informations for your consideration:
- The teams are made up of 4 players
- Every team should preferably consist of at least 2 rated players
- One female player is recommended in the team
- The mixed teams are made up of players with communication (hearing) impairment. physical disability and visual impairment
- The mixed teams may consist of any number of the three disabled categories
- A total of 6 people is considered as „ïnvited participants“ provided with free accommodation and full board: 4 players, 1 captain and 1 accompanying person
- Each team can have any number of accompanying persons